Aesthetics and zirconium oxide, is it possible?

In the last decade, zirconia oxide has solidified its position as a definitive reference material capable of addressing almost all clinical situations. The simplicity of its fabrication through CAD/CAM technology, the increased options in terms of both optical and mechanical properties, and its scientifically proven evidence make zirconia oxide a material of common choice in fixed prosthodontics. A proper clinical-technical synergy will allow finding the perfect balance between the two most important aspects of this restorative material: translucency and strength.

General Objective

The objective of this presentation is to present, through clinical cases, a complete and predictable workflow to address various scenarios with materials from Kuraray Noritake Dental Inc.

Specific Objectives:

a. Explain how to select the best zirconia oxide for each case

b. Differences between monolithic and stratification through clinical situations

c. Introduce predictable cementation protocols


• Degree in Dentistry - University of Barcelona (2015)

• Postgraduate Diploma in Endodontics - University of Barcelona (2016)

• Master's in Restorative and Esthetic Dentistry - International University of Catalonia (2019)

• Associate Professor in the Department of Restorative Dentistry - International University of Catalonia

• Affiliated Member of the Spanish Society of Stomatological Prosthesis and Esthetics (SEPES), Italian Academy of Conservative and Restorative Dentistry (AIC), Spanish Society of Conservative and Esthetic Dentistry (SEOC), Portuguese Society of Prosthodontics and Esthetic Dentistry (SPPED)

• Private practice in Barcelona

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