Clinical occlusion analysis in dental treatment

The success of dental rehabilitation should be measured not only by initial comfort and esthetic results but, mainly, by long-term survival of the final reconstruction. Between important factors that may affect proper function is occlusal stability. Taking into consideration a lot of factors to receive good results it is highly recommended to assess occlusion in three dimension (3D). Occlusal assesment should be driven in relation to the three planes: horizontal- occlusal vertical dimension, frontal- anterio-posterior relations (TMJ relations) and sagital - occlusal contact symmetry. Currently, there are different manual and digital options for clinical and laboratory occlusal controll. However, it is worthy to emphasise that at any case making any decision of prosthetic rehabilitation proper clinical analysis of occlusion appears one of the most important procedure to avoid future coplications. The lecture is focused on what and how to controll to impove and shorten the process of adaptation to the new appliances installed.   

  • President of European Prosthodontic Association (EPA)
  • Chairman, Department of Prosthetic Dentistry Medical University of Bialystok, Poland

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