Evolution of the B.O.P.T.

The presentation will address the evolution of the B.O.P.T. technique in natural teeth, their prosthetics, Class V restorations, and veneers, introducing the concept of the biological polygon. At the same time, the latest advancements in the B.O.P.T. technique for implant-supported prosthetics will be presented.


  • Graduated in Medicine and Surgery and specialized in Dentistry and Dental Prosthesis at the University of Cagliari.
  • Active member of the Italian Academy of dental Dental Prosthesis (AIOP).
  • Co-author of the book "Peripheral Bone Remodeling: Scientific Background and Clinical Implications".
  • Publisher: Quintessenza
  • Co-author of the chapter "Systematic approach to immediate loading in the front group" of the book "Il Carico Immediato".
  • He is the author and co-author of several scientific publications.
  • His professional studio is in Cagliari.

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