Novel prosthetic digital workflow at the service of full-arch implant restorations: new solutions to overcome the limitations

Full Arch restorations have always presented clinical and technical challenges, from working in the clinic with the patient, to the laboratory bench, and to the need for improved communication between the involved team members.

The progressive shift towards implementing digitally-driven technology in reconstructive dentistry is obvious.

With the speed that the technology has improved, so has the way we diagnose, treatment plan and restore the full arch patient.

In the last decade, the development of new technologies has moved in parallel with a rapid evolution of restorative materials on the rails of digital dentistry, opening new horizons in the field of prosthodontics.

What has not changed is the sound prosthodontic principles.

Compared to conventional methods, the ultimate goal of digital technologies is to improve the quality and capabilities in examination, diagnosis, and treatment of the dental patient. It is still questionable, however, whether such digital tools facilitate improved accuracy in data acquisition and assessment of the full-arch implant-supported prostheses.

During the lecture, the limitations and a few failures that can be faced with full-arch CAD/CAM monolithic zirconia restorations will be presented, with a few out-of the box prosthetic solutions and new practical protocols to avoid these complications. We will review the relevant literature regarding the reasons for possible failures with zirconia-based restorations and IOS accuracy in full-arch rehabilitations.

This lecture will highlight and update some of the clinical challenges, materials and unique protocols needed to meet the expectations to deliver a successful outcome of full-arch implant supported restorations, in the light of the author’s experience and of the most updated scientific literature.


Prof. Eitan Mijiritsky is a graduate of the Tel-aviv University School (1990) of Dental Medicine where he also completed his Postgraduate studies and Specialty with Diploma in Prosthodontics (1996).

He has earned his PhD title graded Summa Cum Laude, on the topic of Immediate Loading in Oral Implantology.

Prof. Mijiritsky is Associate Professor in Prosthodontics at the Tel-aviv University School of Dental Medicine, Israel.

He serves also as the Coordinator of International Academic Affairs of the School of Dental Medicine, Tel-aviv University, Israel.

Prosthodontic Consultor and Research Coordinator – Dep. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Sourasky Tel-Aviv Medical Center, Israel

Prof. Mijiritsky is the Past President of the Israel Society of Prosthodontics.

President Elect and Council Member of the European Prosthodontic Association - EPA

Board of Directors of the International Digital Dentistry Society - DDS

DDS Ambassador for Israel

Founder of the Israeli Association of Oral Implantology IAOI


DIPLOMATE of the International College of Oral Implantologists (ICOI)

Member of the Editorial Boards of :

Journal of Dentistry JD, International Journal of Prosthodontics IJP, Journal of Esthetics and Restorative Dentistry JERD, Journal of Clinical Medicine JCM

Prof. Mijiritsky is both a nationally and internationally active keynote lecturer and scientific chairman in hundreds seminars and meetings.

He is the author of over 130 scientific publications in peer reviewed international journals, related to esthetics and prosthodontics, implants, digital dentistry and bone regeneration.

Heading the "Mijiritsky Dental Experts Center" in Tel-Aviv, Israel.

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