Block 1: Control, security and time: The need to change the direction of the clinic to respond to a more interconnected patient.
Management trends to increase clinic control in the face of change.
Pedro de Ahumada de Dental Data
Effective communication with the patient: Organization and optimization of waiting times in consultation.
David Griera
The importance of decision making and its temporal impact on clinic efficiency.
Borja Prieto
Block 2: Excellence in the dental clinic as a differentiation lever.
From dentist to dentist, how to build an efficient team that differentiates your service.
Dra. Diana Escudero
How innovation in processes generates excellence, welcome to in-house dentistry.
Sofia Solano Mendoza
Digital patients, digital clinics or not providing good service, How to establish an efficient and profitable agenda.
Úrsula Barroso Dental data
Block 3: Technology at the service of management What is the clinic's roadmap with Artificial Intelligence?
When technologies are put at the service of clinic protocols.
Dra. Karla Mora
Revolución digital en odontología: Impacto de la IA clínica en la rentabilidad de las clínicas dentales.
Javier Pérez
All the latest news, the program, your accreditation, Networking and much more at your fingertips.