Endodontics and tooth restoration Endodontics, where are we headed?

This presentation will address the diagnosis, decision-making, management, and treatment of teeth with compromised prognosis at the endodontic and restorative levels. Predictable protocols for glidepath, instrumentation, and obturation will be discussed. Modern endodontics focuses on more conservative root canal shaping and irrigation protocols that aim to protect the remaining dentin. Regarding restoration, cases will be analyzed based on the remaining dental structure, the limits that should not be exceeded, the type of restoration to be performed, and the advantages offered by the digital world.


  • Degree in Medicine and Surgery.
  • Degree in Dentistry.
  • Doctor of Medicine and Surgery.
  • Master's Degree in Orthodontics.
  • Master's Degree in Implantology.
  • Master's Degree in Preventive Dentistry.
  • Associate Professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Santiago de Compostela (USC).
  • Coordinator of the PhD Program in Dentistry at the USC.
  • Director of the Teaching Unit of Conservative Dentistry at the USC.
  • Director of the Master's Degree in Endodontics, Restorative and Aesthetic Dentistry (ENDORE) at the USC.
  • Author of the book "Endodoncia para todos" (Endodontics for Everyone).
  • Author of 64 articles in JCR-indexed journals.
  • Supervisor of 13 Doctoral Theses.

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