Guided Ortho/Mucongingival Therapy to treat periodontal patients in the esthetic area.

Periodontitis affects not only tooth supporting tissues but also impairs esthetics due to tooth migration in particular in Periodontitis Stage 4 case type 2. Moreover, periodontal therapy may even worse the esthetic appearance due to increased gingival recession. Interdisciplinary approaches are needed to improve esthetics.

We present a new treatment sequence of ortho and mucogingival to reduce recession and black triangles. The idea is to perform gingival grafts during ortho tooth intrusion (not before not after) in order to condition the graft to our convenience.

it will be like a BOPT but instead of tooth preparation me move the teeth with a mucogingival graft.


  • Associate Professor of Periodontics, University of Santiago de Compostela.
  • Honorary Senior Lecturer, Queen Mary University of London, since 2016.
  • Visiting Professor, Eastman Dental Institute, UCL, since 2007.
  • European Doctorate (cum laude), University of Santiago de Compostela, 2010.
  • Master in Periodontics (MClinDent) from the Eastman Dental Institute (UCL) in London, 2002-2005.
  • Degree in Dentistry, University of Santiago de Compostela, 2000.
  • Fonseca Award 2007, Spanish Society of Periodontology (SEPA).
  • ITI Schroeder Prize 2017.
  • Extraordinary Doctorate Award.
  • Board Member of the Spanish Society of Periodontology (SEPA) (2007-2016).
  • Member of the Communications Committee of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP) 2017-2022.
  • ITI Fellow.
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the ITI Iberian Section since 2021.
  • Over 40 publications in JCR first quartile journals.
  • Director of the Antonio Liñares Periodontics Clinic with exclusive dedication to Periodontics and Implants in A Coruña.

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