Direct Pre-prosthetic Restorations… Optimizing Restorative Protocols with the advantages that Absolute Isolation offers us

Currently, we face different clinical situations in daily practice where our patients require an indirect approach to restore function and aesthetics. These clinical needs range from crown replacements, teeth with root canal treatment, teeth with extensive coronal destruction, and also with fissures, etc.

To decrease dentin exposure, reinforce dental remnants, and facilitate dental preparations, it is essential to indicate and properly manage pre-prosthetic direct restorations such as Build-up, Block-out, Resin Coating, and Cervical Margin Elevation, always taking advantage of the benefits provided by Absolute Isolation.


Professional with over 26 years of experience in the interdisciplinary management of Clinical Cases and Comprehensive Oral Rehabilitation Treatments. Specialization in Tucker Technique (Clinical and Laboratory).

Dentist Surgeon from the National University of San Marcos.

Specialization in Oral Rehabilitation at the Private Association University San Juan Bautista.

Specialization in Tucker Technique (Clinical and Laboratory) - Tucker Institute - University of Washington.

Diploma in Oral Implantology from the Scientific University of the South.

Diploma in Oral Rehabilitation from the Dental College of Peru - Professional Improvement Commission.

Active Member of the Peruvian Society of Dental and Maxillofacial Prosthodontics (SPPDYMF).

Member of the Peruvian Association of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials (APORYB).

Member of the Academy of Stomatology of Peru.

Mentor at The Tucker Institute - University of Washington - School of Dentistry (USA).

Guest Lecturer in the Postgraduate Program in Oral Rehabilitation at the Private Association University San Juan Bautista (Lima - Peru).

Guest Lecturer at the Multidisciplinary Institute of Dental Specialties - IMED (Guadalajara - Mexico).

Speaker and lecturer of courses at various Universities and events nationally and internationally in Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Spain, Guatemala, United States, Honduras, Indonesia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Portugal, and Uruguay.

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