Multifix, the prosthesis revolution

We will review the fundamental factors, both surgical and prosthetic, to prevent peri-implant problems. How to ensure tissue stability with prosthesis design and the second surgical phase. Rehabilitating with Multifix, an attachment specially designed to simplify the 360° of the restorative treatment, focusing on precision, aesthetics, and tissue stability.



  • Exclusive practice in Oral Surgery and Implants (2005-Present)
  • Director of the Master's in Oral Surgery, Implantology, Periodontology, and Prosthodontics at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (2009-2015)
  • Professor in the Master's in Oral Surgery, Implant Prosthodontics, and Occlusion at King Juan Carlos University (2015-2020)
  • Professor of Medical-Surgical Pathology II at Alfonso X El Sabio University (2006-2019)
  • Guest lecturer in various postgraduate courses at national universities.
  • Scientific advisor for various international implant companies.
  • Speaker at over fifty conferences in Spain, Portugal, Germany, and Italy, covering various techniques and concepts in Oral Surgery and Implantology such as AllOn4, Columbus Bridge, Oral Cancer, Bone Regeneration, Implantology troubleshooting, Peri-implantitis, and New Technologies, some of them for the SEPA, SECIB, SEPES, and SEI societies.


  • Ph.D. "Cum Laude" in Dentistry from UAX.
  • Diploma in Oral Surgery from the University of Seville, 2004-2005
  • Expert in Implantology and Implant Prosthodontics from the University of Seville, 2005-2006
  • Master's in Implantology from UPM, 2006-2007
  • Master's in Research Methodology from UAX, 2009
  • Postgraduate in "Current Concepts in Implant Dentistry" from the University of New York, 2008-2010.

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