Past present and future about restoration of endodontically treated teeth

Along this presentation an overview about materials and techniques useful for build-up endodontically treated teeth will be shown. Also, the relation and compatibility of restorative materials with different endodontic materials will be explained.

From clinical point of view, the 'Restorative difficulty evaluation system of endodontically treated teeth’ will be explained and shown in order to guide the clinician to the proper clinical choice.


Marco Ferrari, graduated at School of Surgery and Medicine, of University of Pisa in 1983, had its degree in General Dentistry in 1987 at University of Siena.

In 1995 he took his PhD degree at University of Amsterdam, defending a thesis on “Bonding to dental structures”.

In the mean times he started his carrier at the School of Dental Medicine at Tufts University of Boston and he was appointed progressively from Clinical Instructor to Assistant Clinical Professor, Associate Clinical Professor, till Research Full-Professor during the academic year 1999-2000, position that he still has.

Between 1997 and 1999-2000 he was teaching Dental Materials at the School of Dental Medicine of Siena University as Adjunct Professor.

From October 2000, he was appointed Associate Professor at School of Dental Medicine, of Siena University.

In June 2001 Prof. Ferrari proposed and implemented the Ph D program in ‘Dental Materials and their clinical applications’ at University of Siena.

In June 2002, he was winner of national application of Full-Professor position and starting the academic year 2003 he was appointed Full-Professor at Siena University, into the School of Dental Medicine.

In July 2002 Prof. Ferrari was elected Dean of School of Dental Medicine and renewed till the end of this year.

He also serves as member of Italian Supreme Court of Health from January 2019.

Actually, is also the President and Coordinator of the Undergraduate course in Dentistry, in english language at University of Siena and Chair of the Residenty Master Program in Prosthodontics Sciences at University of Siena.

Between October 2003 and January 2006 he was appointed Vice-Rector of International Relations of University of Siena.

He also was the secretary of President of National Conference of Schools of Dental Medicine from 2006 and in 2009 was elected President of the Italian Dental School Deans Association (2009-2016).

In May 2005, he was also appointed Director of School of Ph D in ‘Biotecnologies’.

From November 2012 he was the Director of the Dental and Medical Biotechnology Department of Siena University and coordinator of the Tuscan School of Dental Medicine of Florence and Siena University.

He is appointed Professor of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry, University of Leeds, UK, Visiting Professor at Rochester University, Eastman Center, USA, and Xi’an University, 4th Biomedical University, China.

He is Past-President of Academy of Dental Materials and Past President of European Federation of Conservative Dentistry and Past-President of Continental European Division (CED) of International Association of Dental Research (IADR), and Past President of the Dental Material Group of IADR and past President of European Prosthodontics Association. He is also President of the Italian Society of Prosthodontics.

He serves into the editorial board of some international dental journals with impact factor (such as Journal of Dental Research, Journal of Dentistry, J Endodontics, Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, American Journal of Dentistry, Dental Materials, Acta Odontologica Croatia, J Oral Sciences, Restorative Dentistry, J Prosthodontic Research) and he acts as referee of other 10 peer-reviewed impact factor dental journals. He was Scientific Editor of International Dentistry South Africa and is Associate Editor of Prosthodontic Research, Clinical Editor of World Journal of Dentistry, and Editor of the Journal of Osseointegration, Periodontics and Prosthodontics.

He is author of more than 520 international publications, of other 210 national publications and of 255 abstracts presented in international and national congress. His H factor is 106 and has more than 35000 citations.

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