Alternatives in immediate prosthesis: rehabilitation with single-body implants

The goal of this lecture is to showcase the virtues of single-body implants as another tool in the oral rehabilitation armamentarium.

To achieve this, we will review the basic concepts behind these implants, analyzing how their macrostructure can favor patient rehabilitation, and how from a clinical point of view, without neglecting the biological and mechanical bases to which they are subjected, we can meet the expectations of edentulous patients, with their real needs in a predictable way, satisfactorily restoring the function and esthetics of the stomatognathic system.


  • Degree in Dentistry from ISCS (now Egas Moniz University, Lisbon) 1994.
  • Expert in Implantology from Nobel Biocare 2002.
  • Professor of the theoretical-practical course in surgery and implantology on cryopreserved heads with Implant Detective at the UFV.
  • Member and speaker of the Implant Detective group.
  • Director and professor of the Master's Degree in Monophasic and Comprehensive Implantology with JMAPformación.
  • Director and professor of the Clinical Stays in Monophasic Implantology with JMAPformación.

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