Building on firm foundations: Attachments in digital implant prosthesis

In this conference, we will explore how digital technology is transforming the field of implant prosthodontics. We'll discuss the importance of selecting the right prosthetic attachments to achieve precision and efficiency in dental restoration.


  • Degree in Dentistry
  • University Alfonso X el Sabio, Madrid, Spain
  • Master in Oral Surgery, Periodontics, Implants and Prosthodontics, University of Málaga, Spain
  • Advanced oral surgery and periodontology Faculty of Dental Medicine Hadassah, Israel
  • Master in Biomaterials and Advance Bone Grafting University of Salamanca, Spain
  • Postgraduate in Biomedical Engineering University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
  • Postgraduate in Surgery and Implantology Guided University of Málaga, Spain
  • Expert in Advanced Implantology University of La Habana, Cuba
  • Expert in Periodontal Plastic Surgery University Complutense, Madrid Spain
  • Expert in Oral Rehabilitation Technical All On 4 Maló Clinic, Lisboa Portugal

Job Experience

  • Oral surgeon, Periodontist, Implantologist and Digital Prosthodontics, in several clinics of Madrid of the brand Vitaldent
  • Director of the Postgraduate of Digital Dentistry and New Technologies in Dentistry. Alfonso X El Sabio University Madrid.
  • Professor in the Master in Oral Surgery, Periodontics, Implantology and Prosthodontics of the University of Malaga
  • I am currently an Opinion Leader and teach conferences and courses for many brands in the dental world:
  • Phibo: I make collaborations with this great brand, performing live surgeries and lectures and about Digital Dentistry, Advanced surgery and Guided surgery applied to cases of extreme gravity with big bone resorption and bone loss.
  • 3Shape: I regularly hold conferences and master classes for this intraoral scanner brand, in which we explain how to use intraoral scanners and their advantages in current dentistry and Implant surgery.
  • IPD: I have the pleasure of belonging to the scientific and development committee of this brand of prosthetic accessories, for which I also hold conferences and training workshops
  • Expert editor and opinion leader in New York Technologies and Advances in Dentistry in the Journal Dental Practice. I write scientific papers for magazine dental practice. I am responsible for the section of new technologies and advances in dentistry. We perform analysis and testing of the latest products in the market for different dental specialties.


  • Award for the best student of the Promotion of Master of Oral Surgery, Periodontics and Implants. Malaga University
  • First Prize for Best Scientific Oral communication Seventh National Congress of the Spanish Society of Oral Surgery (SECIB)
  • First Prize for Best Scientific Poster II International Congress of Regeneration and Oral Surgery

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