Simplified protocol to increase the vertical dimension of occlusion. Predictability of rehabilitation difficulty.

Increasing the DVO is a cornerstone for implementing contemporary minimally invasive rehabilitation concepts in patients with tooth wear. It influences everything from preparation to material selection. Furthermore, we must acknowledge that the restorative space will vary significantly between patients and will not be homogeneous between the posterior and anterior sectors. We will also have to deal with certain compensatory movements that have occurred in the teeth affected by wear, which adds to the complexity.

This presentation will showcase several clinical cases of total rehabilitation where, thanks to a simplified digital protocol for capturing the increased DVO, we can diagnose limitations, predict future complications, and consequently establish a personalized treatment plan that involves and co-responsabilizes the patient over time.


  • Degree in Dentistry. University of Murcia. 2005.
  • Doctor of Dentistry. University of Valencia. 2020.
  • Assistant Professor accredited by ANECA.
  • Associate Professor since 2019 in the subject "Aesthetic and Adhesive Dentistry". Universidad Católica de Murcia (UCAM).
  • Visiting Professor. Master's degree in Advanced Integral Dental Clinic and Implantology. University of Granada. 2023
  • Visiting Professor. Master's Degree in Adhesive and Minimally Invasive Aesthetic Dentistry. University of Valencia. 2014-2019.
  • Speaker at the SEPES / IFED World Congress of Dental Aesthetics. Barcelona 2019.
  • Speaker at the SEDO annual meetings 2018 and 2022.
  • Speaker at continuing education courses in the field of aesthetic oral rehabilitation in various professional dental associations throughout Spain.
  • Judson C. Hickey Scientific Writing Award in the clinical category (ECJPD) 2020.
  • Author of the book "Odontología Estética Adhesiva. Manual de Prácticas", translated into English for e-book "Adhesive Aesthetic Dentistry. Handbook of techniques".
  • Author of several national and international articles (JCR).
  • Private practice dedicated exclusively to restorative and aesthetic dentistry at Clínicas Ferrando.

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